Tell us what you think about The Culture Journalist
Love the pod? Help us grow by answering a few questions.

Hey friends,
In case you missed the memo, we’re taking a pause from regular scheduling this month to prep our third season. We’ve already recorded a handful of conversations that we’re super excited to share with you starting in February. But before that happens, we thought we’d break the third wall a little bit and give our listeners an opportunity to tell us how we’re doing.
What keeps you coming back every month? What are the topics we discuss that you find most meaningful? The Culture Journalist is an independent journalism project that is funded entirely by listeners, and we wanted to solicit feedback from you, our existing fans and supporters, to help guide our thinking on where to focus our energy this season and how to grow this thing in a way that does justice to the time and love we put into it.
If you have a couple minutes today, we would love it if you could fill out this quick survey.
Thank you so much for your time, and see you v…