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...really enjoyed this podcast but felt pulled to come share my opinion on what was missed in the discussion about "educating people on why we should pay for music." The majority of people are blind to the *true cost* of anything because they are 1. so removed from the process and 2. under the impression they deserve or have the right to accessible everything 3. They feel this way specifically because the world (major corps) gave us this false perception. (Walmart, meat, industrialization, etc.) When do we ever pay the true cost? SO RARELY)

Another point I wish was explored is that most people (avg spotify user) does not have a strong enough sense of self to even explore what music they like on their own, which is why apps like these play into the laziness...To be honest i didn't have much music taste either until the pandemic when i finally took the time to dig and overall was in a self discovery zone.

MAYBE the future is that spotify will become like radio (mainstreme), and there will be another app for people who like to dig around and discover obsure shit...not sure, but its true there are 2 distinct audiences for music. Passive and active listeners and consumers.

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